Palmako opgraderer til en Vario press
Vario presse hos Palmako
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Fleksibel bjælkeproduktion
Vario press kører for fuldt tryk hos det estiske firma, Palmako.
Presselinjen, der benytter højfrekvens til at hærde limen, er i alle aspekter en opgradering af Palmakos limtræproduktion, og har rustet dem godt til at køre en fleksibel og effektiv bjælkeproduktion.
Du kan læse en artikel om produktionen hos Palmako skrevet af det tyske fagblad Holzkurier.
“The technology was very impressive. We are convinced that it is much better than other technologies on the market. It is all about flexibility and speed.”

“The changeover possibilities of the press were crucial to us since we deliver to markets that demand different dimensions of the products.”
”The collaboration with Kallesoe was really good. The machinery is performing to our full satisfaction.”
“The technology was very impressive. We are convinced that it is much better than other technologies on the market. It is all about flexibility and speed.”