B presse til Binderholz Fügen
Bjælkeanlæg hos Binderholz, Fügen.
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Solid og effektiv løsning
Binderholz i Fügen, Østrig har installeret en ny type presse (B press), der er optimeret til at producere lange plader.
En ny funktion er opretningssystemet, der sikrer fuldstændig nøjagtige ender på pladerne, hvilket fjerner behovet for endesavning.
Se mere i videoen herunder.

“The lead equipment supplier, Kallesoe Machinery, are delivering equipment exactly to the day they promised two years ago, when we signed the contract with them. We couldn’t ask for a better partner to be working with.”
“The changeover possibilities of the press were crucial to us since we deliver to markets that demand different dimensions of the products.”
“Once again it was a successful collaboration with Kallesoe – everything went according to plan”