Combi solution for Vaagen Timbers, USA
Kristian Kallesøe and Russ Vaagen at Vaagen Timbers
Do you want to know more about our CLT -solutions?
CLT and Glulam
At Vaagen Timbers, Colville, WA the Combi press for CLT and glulam production is producing elements for the US market.
“For more than six years, we have dedicated ourselves to cross-laminated timber. During numerous travels, we informed ourselves about different production systems and finally found a solution, which we particularly liked, at Hasslacher in Austria”, tells CEO Russ Vaagen referring to the Kallesoe high frequency presses used by Hasslacher Norica Timber for the production of CLT and glulam in Sachsenburg and Stall in Mölltal.
The Combi Press
The technology used in the presses mentioned above is also used in the Combi Press line, but with its specially designed layup system, this press line allows the manufacturing of two different product types in one and the same system: Glulam and CLT.
This flexibility in production combined with the preferred high frequency technology prompted Vaagen to buy the press: “This newly developed system was the ideal solution for us. Also, Kallesoe took the necessary time and adapted the machines to our individual needs” says Russ Vaagen.
The core of the projects
“Our high-frequency presses are the core of our projects. We also supply adhesive systems, the entire mechanization and provide the planning of the complete production line from the infeed of the wood to the finished product, so as to give customers precisely the system solution which meets their specific requirements”, informs Bruno Kallesøe, emphasizing that in such extensive projects, it is first and foremost experience which plays a central role.
You can read the full article about Vaagen Timbers here.
Source: Holzkurier CLT Special, 2019

“Kallesoe took the necessary time and adapted the machines to our individual needs.”
“Once again it was a successful collaboration with Kallesoe – everything went according to plan”
„Kallesoe were the only plant suppliers who kept what they had promised. Set up, turn on, produce“